Meet Yvonne
AfN Registered Nutritionist and Certified Health Coach
In 2011, I gained a first class honours BSc in Human Nutrition at The University of Worcester, went on to achieve a PGCE Food Technology, and have now returned as an Associate Lecturer. In the meantime I have worked, and continued to learn about, metabolic issues and the role diet and lifestyle play in improved health and wellbeing.
I understand that changing your lifestyle, improving your health, or simply wanting to lose some weight can feel overwhelming. There is so much information out there, it can be difficult to know where to turn and what advice is right for you. As a nutritionist and health coach I will take a holistic approach and consider more than just what you're eating.
My mission is simple:
To help people feel healthy, love food, love life, love themselves.
I want to give my clients the wellness education, tools and resources that they need to feel happy, healthy, and capable of managing life’s pressures while avoiding chronic illness. I understand that everyone is unique so you can expect tailored advice to meet your personal requirements, goals and challenges.
Whether you're looking for specific nutrition advice or just want to improve your health or lifestyle, please get in touch.

​I started a routine of intermittent fasting with the help of Yvonne. I opted for a "nothing complicated" approach - just setting a daily window in which I could eat and drink whatever I wanted while being careful to control my intake outside of those hours - I guess I'm lucky that I like black coffee!
I was amazed by how easy the whole thing has been - it truly was not complicated, any hunger pangs disappeared in under 3 days and I didn't have to change things like the weekly shop. Indeed, I could even fit it around having a 1 year old in the house, the flexibility of the system means I didn't have to give up Sunday lunch! For the first time, this is a method that I can live with rather than living through!
After 4 months I'm pleased to announce that I've lost 20 lbs but that doesn't tell the whole story - it's great to be able to fit comfortably into clothes that were otherwise going to have to leave the wardrobe and I've seen an improvement in the results of a long term chronic medical condition.
​Overall, I can't recommend Yvonne highly enough. She has been constantly supportive, and my confidence in this method has increased knowing I had a source of knowledge available. I'm not intending to stop this style of eating - there are just too many positives.
- Chris, 36
I suffer with a number of health issues mainly connected to a systemic lupus erythmatosis diagnosis when I was 19, which have caused a number of secondary illnesses. These, and my extensive medications have made my weight and overall health bad. I'd wake up feeling heavy and ill everyday. I had tried medical intervention for years but finally my GP recommend I look at my diet to see if my nutrition could be adjusted to help. Yvonne and I chatted in the original consultation and I was able to explain this wasn't about weight for me, that was a side effect, I just wanted to feel better.
Yvonne is brilliant.
She listens to what you need and want from her, not what a lot of specialists do, when they try to convince you to do what they believe is best . Working with her I was able to change my lifestyle to what my body needed. I feel better than I have in years, weight loss was a side effect but not a main reason for the support. I was also able to find out I have an intolerance to cow protein because I switched what I was doing, again not something we were expecting. Yvonne is one of the kindest , most genuine, most knowledgeable people in her area of expertise I've ever met. She treats you as an equal and discusses with you the best way forward for you as an individual. I can honestly say there's nobody I trust more with my nutrition and she's always there if you are having a bad day or just need a question answered.
Please give her a go, you won't regret it.
- Tracy
This lady has changed my world! Not only have we worked through some of the ever returning behaviours associated with yo-yo dieting and the binge to feel better but feel worse cycle. We have strategised and found eating habits that actually work! For me, I chose to go all out with the keto diet and take on board the intermittent fasting - which I was already doing to a fashion but without structure or understanding.
After 3 months I have lost 2.5 stone, and intend to continue with what I'm doing, coming back for advice if needed.
Having regular updates and knowing that someone had the answers to my questions really really helped.
Thank you so much Yvonne
- Leonie, 39
Let’s Get Healthy
1 hr 15 min
65 British pounds45 min
45 British pounds